Who we are

Our driving force is to connect people to technology

Who we are

We take pride in being part of the digital transformation of major businesses

It is through a relationship of partnership and trust, based on credibility and flexibility, that we contribute to the digital transformation journey of over 120 major clients. Every day, our Makers work to understand real problems and develop innovative solutions, transforming processes, businesses, and lives through technology


Millions of hours of code creation.


Engaged Makers driving transformation


Completed projects


Countries rely on our solutions

AMcom's way

The pillars that sustain our methodology

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Prioritize people

Everything we do is designed to transform lives and businesses, respecting individualities and promoting pride in belonging.


Value knowledge

That's how we adapt to changes and take action to deliver the best solution and maximum value to the business.

surpreenda sempre

Always surprise

Detail makes the difference.​ Attention and excellence in everything we do are vital to generating a memorable experience and impacting everyone who interacts with us.

vá além da inovação

Go beyond innovation​

Innovation is the means.​ It is the way we think and create solutions. It goes beyond delivery, generates results and impacts people’s lives.

descubra o extraordinário

Discover the extraordinary

Go beyond expectation. For us, success depends on the ability to co-create something new and surprise the customer with customized solutions.

fazer acontecer

Make it happen

Attitude is fundamental.​All of our deliveries are enhanced by our autonomy and curiosity to deliver the extraordinary.​


Transform with us!

Please get in touch with our team to define the next steps for scaling your business through technological solutions.

Blumenau - SC

R. República Argentina, 2001 – Ponta Aguda – CEP 89.050-173   |  +55  47 3328-9400

São Paulo - SP

Av. Rebouças, 3970, 17º andar – Pinheiros   |+ 55 11 3434-6553


110 Cambridge, Massachussets, MA 02141


Transforme com a gente!

Entre em contato com a nossa equipe para definirmos os próximos passos para escalar seu negócio por meio de solução tecnológicas.

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    O Código de Ética e Conduta da AMcom expressa a forma de atuação da empresa em todos os seus negócios, orientando o modo pelo qual seus colaboradores e terceiros devem se comportar e agir em relação aos temas nele abordados.

    Ele reúne as principais diretrizes éticas, normas internas e o dever de conformidade com leis e normas externas, especialmente aquelas voltadas ao combate à corrupção, suborno e lavagem de dinheiro, ao assédio e a toda e qualquer prática irregular.

    Ele dispõe, ainda, de regras relacionadas aos comportamentos desejados na empresa e que devem ser adotadas por todos, e estimula que seja utilizado o Canal de Denúncia imediatamente caso haja qualquer violação ao código.